With respect to Schiller's October 31st meeting with Goethe, he left us his impressions in his letter of November 1, 1790, to Koerner:

" . . . Our discourse soon arrived at Kant. It is interesting how he [Goethe] clothes and drapes everything in his own manner and style and how he [thus] surprisingly relates what he read . . . what is entirely lacking in him is any sincere effort to c o m m i t himself to anything . . . I also do not entirely like his philosophy, it borrows too much from the sensual world, where I gain my wealth from the soul . . . Otherwise, his life style is peculiar enough. He is beginning to grow old and women's love that he has so often mocked about appears to be taking its revenge on him. I am afraid that he will commit the foolish misake to turn into an old bachelor. His girl is a Mlle. Vulpius. . . . He is said to love his child very much and he will convince himself that, should he marry the girl, he will do so for the child's sake so that this ‘rationalizing' will take the air of rididicule away from the matter" (Goethe und seine Zeit 168).